About us

Giving thanks to G_D for all He has done for us and allowing me to rise to this occasion! It is with a humble heart, that I offer the following platform, asking for your vote in the 2024 May Primary and November, General Presidential Election!
I am a Prophetic Republican candidate for President! As President Biden continues frontiers staging wars under the pretext of protecting Democracy in Ukraine, Africa and the Middle East, a greater need has been manifested by war, a fallen economy, and our National Security being at risk! By increasing our National Debt (with no proven plan for our future), America’s future remains grim! While President Biden is bent on providing security for Corporations doing business abroad, while protecting special interests and siding with Wall Sheet; America is fighting three wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria! Not to mention other campaigns where our troops are deployed, still imposing more hardships on America, that I humbly ask you for the Presidency of the United States; In hope of leading America on the course toward achieving peace and prosperity!
Just to let you know a little about myself. I am the eldest son of the late Samuel L. Hurt and Mary Boekhoudt Hurt. I’ m married forty-six years to my wonderful wife Julinda; the mother of our children Sojah, Rachel, Samuel Levi lll, and Joshua Caleb! I’ am fifth generation, descendant of Hebrew slaves; and third generation, descendant of Hebrew/ Caribbean and Eastern European Jew. I’ m a Hebrew/Dutch American who embraces Judaism as a Way of Life’, a follower adherent to the Prophets of Old, recorded, in the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament! I was born and raised in Cumberland, Md. After graduating from high school, I volunteered to serve four years in the United States Navy! After discharge, I worked in the Naval Shipyard, as a rigger, while attending Norfolk State University. Later moving back home to Cumberland, Md., I enrolled at Frostburg State College studying political Science; transferring all credits to Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, acquiring a degree in Business Administration.
A forty-six-year resident, residing in the City of Pittsburgh, PA; I am an Associate Rabbi, a member of Temple Beth El (Church of G_D and Saints of Christ)! I’ am Co-Founder and Chairman of the Perry Central Neighborhood Council, Inc., Founder and Chairman of The Contractors Minority Participation Coalition, Inc., and past board and general member of the Perry Hill Top Citizens Council, Inc., a former Parent Student Advisor for the Pittsburgh’ Board of Education!
Having worked diligently bringing reform and development in my community and City of Pittsburgh, fostering: economic and educational development opportunities to disadvantaged individuals, bringing needed services to my community, and challenging how funding was not distributed in a fair and equitable manner; Then and certainly now, at the national level, relief is needed to reform and restructure government, bringing political change, to a uneven and unfair system of distribution of the nation’s wealth! Redirecting resources and services for the needs of common people, no longer serving the special interests!
Too long, the rich, corporations, authorities, and individuals, have lobbied Congress for laws that protect big business at the people’s expense. No longer can a nation expect to remain sovereign while exploiting its masses and protecting and ensuring imposed rights of oppression of laws of suppression! All being done while claiming to be a democracy!
Real change is taking place every day. We see it in the climate, the environment, our economy, the world economy, nations uprising, and wars; while the rich continue to get richer, and the poor increases in numbers! Something is fundamentally wrong yet proclaiming that we are a Nation under G_D!
If you, want a better life for yourselves, your children, a good life free of oppressive acts of government perpetuated by corrupt politicians who put their corporate interests above the people’s interest:
Once elected, my first order of business will be to convene Congress; Amending the United States Constitution to address present day and future concerns. I believe it was all right then, but does not reflect or address future changes that has taken place in the Twenty First Century!
Once elected, my first order of business will be to convene Congress; Amending the United States Constitution to address present day and future concerns. I believe it was all right then, but does not reflect or address future changes that has taken place in the Twenty First Century!
I like no other candidate, am a Man of G_D! As a child growing up, I always knew that I would be President one day! I would sit at feet of my grandparents and parents listening to them talk about scripture, work and how hard it was not having money! As a child, me and my siblings wore secondhand clothes gotten from the Goodwill and people who would donate clothes to my grandmother and mom who went out soliciting money for the church. We were poor, sometimes barely existing on bread and gravy. My father was injured severely by a drunk driver who blind sided him running a red light which left my father disabled, and incapacitated unable to work. My mother would do housework and watch the housekeeper’s children while we were left alone to watch ourselves.
As a child, I had rheumatic fever. At the age of eight I was in and out of hospitals! At age nine I was in Childrens Hospital at John Hopkins sponsored by the Shriners for two years or more. I was discharged coming home only to be readmitted to the Memorial Hospital again for reoccurrence of rheumatic fever.
I couldn’t understand what was wrong with and why G_D would allow me to suffer like that. I made it out of Elementary School. I missed Middle School because I suffered another attack. I finally made it to the ninth grade, and everything was fine. Then in the tenth grade I had another episode and couldn’t go to school, I had a tutor (teacher) Mr. Groves who came to the house from school to teach me. Later I returned to Fort Hill High School completing the eleventh and twelfth grades! I ran track, cross country and was in the Thespians acting in school lol I joined the Thespians because I had a fondness for a special girl, but I was so shy she never knew it!
Finally, I was drafted in the Army! Two of my cousins was home from Vietnam. I would listen to their stories about Vietnam and the Viet Cong. So, I enlisted in the Navy. Little did I know my life would be impacted by this decision to enlist during these turbulent times! I had enlisted for a straight four years, 1969-1973! While In boot camp at Great Lakes, Illinois while going for the physical, I was diagnosed with a heart murmur, and they wanted to discharge me. I begged the Doctor to please let me stay in citing how my mother was dependent on me for help! He let me stay in on Pen V Kay Penicillin. Later the penicillin ceased and wasn’t available to me after six months! While in the Navy I kept $50 out of my monthly allotment sending the remaining pay home to my mother to help my siblings. I served on many campaigns and on many ships throughout the years, I made four Caribbean and three Mid cruises, and two North Atlantic cruises. I’ve been to many countries. I served during the Vietnam Era. I can tell you, as a Engineman I have never worked so, hard in life! One day, I was nearing my discharge date. My last Chief Petty Officer was a racist, he would dog me making me stay on board my last ship because the others didn’t know how to fix the equipment. He would take my liberty away. We had words, and even got into a fight. Needless to say, I kicked his ass! I was reprimanded by Captains Mast. I was busted, fined, restricted with extra duty for thirty days. I remember my last words spoken to the captain, “I’m going to be President one day. When I am I will see to it that no one must ever endure this type of treatment coming from you’ racists. And that We all deserve to be treated humane we are not animals, nor are we slaves.” I was given an additional thirty-day restriction!
And here I am running for President 2024! I humbly ask you Democrats to Swing Vote Voting for Me a Republican as President 2024!
I am not part of the Establishment, and I am not owned by anyone. My allegiance is to G_D, and America! First and foremost, my life mission is to bring relief to the many who are downtrodden, living in despair having no hope. In today’s world, we live life from day to day. Toiling, trying to make ends meet and I know just how hard it has been for many of us. Working mediocre jobs being paid very little, while watching our children going without. Watching the world down spiral becoming morally bankrupt! Watching the rich get richer and the poor becoming poorer. This is what inspires me to want to be your President!
I am reminded by scripture: Matthew 20: 16
“So, the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chose.”
Brothers and Sisters, as My Father is My Witness, I will do right in the eyesight of G_D and You! You have my solemn word; I will not let you down!
This is a new day for us in America, and the World!
I too am a Veteran, I’m eternally grateful for our service coming to the service of this country and it’s people! There’s not enough money to cover our suffrage, pain and sacrifices we’ve made! During my tenure, all valid veterans concerns will be addressed!
Veterans, Thank you, and G_D Bless America and it’s Veterans
I too am a Senior Citizen! For countless years, we e always supported our parties while being the foundation vote electing Presidents! I believe what we receive in Social Security benefits must be increased adjusting to rising costs and inflation. I promise I will increase the amount of our monthly benefits.
Will you vote for me?
Once elected, my first order of business will be to convene Congress; Amending the United States Constitution to address present day and future concerns. I believe it was all right then, but does not reflect or address future changes that has taken place in the Twenty First Century!
As President, my first order of business will be to convene Congress; Amending the United States Constitution to address present day and future concerns! I believe it was alright then, but, needs to reflect and address future trends taken place in the Twenty First Century! Once in office, as President of the United States of America, I will Amend to the United States Constitution signing into effect the following:
(1) $5,000 stimulus check to households whose combined income is under one hundred and fifty thousand dollars…
$1,000 to single individuals…
(2) Reparations to descendants of the Trans-Atlantic and Arab Slave Trade with proceeds to be allocated in the following manner: Cash Awards/Building and Land Acquisition/Supplies/Financial Assistance for relocation to another country…
(3) Regulate banks and other lending institutions repealing the Glass Seagal Act controlling their interest rates and stop high overdraft fees…
Make loans available to first time homeowners by not requiring a down payment for purchasing homes…
(4) Forgive Student Loans for many facing Hardships, and the Creation of State Lottery Games in every state with part of the proceeds going to college Students registration, tuition, books and housing costs…
(5) Free Grants for those wishing to use alternative Energy Sources, as opposed to using fossil fuel…
(6) One Time Startup Grant to individuals who are economically disadvantaged residing in the oppressed communities throughout America; working in conjunction with the Department of Housing and Economic Development and Urban Development Authorities providing financial and technical assistance while networking with the Small Business Administration for business development, via of: business planning and development, land and building acquisition, startup capital for new businesses and business expansion loans for existing businesses
(7) Comprehensive Immigration Act:
All non- Citizens will be able to register with Immigration. All non-citizens employed in the United States must comply receiving a newly issued Blue Card. For Employers who hire Unregistered Immigrants not having the Newly Authorized Blue Card will be penalized with fines and imprisonment. All immigrants who now reside in the United States, having children born in the United States, who are gainfully employed in the United States will be required to have a Criminal Background investigation. Any refusing to comply will be immediately deported back to their country of origin. Once passing the investigation, and meeting other criteria, all will be allowed to become United States citizens. Any Immigrant who volunteers to serve will become citizens upon completion of their tour of duty in the military…
(8) Living Wage Act replacing the Minimum Wage raising the minimum wage to $17 an hour…
(9) Giving Back Special Incentive (GBSIA) Act; Employment for previous business owners (senior citizens) and retirees providing mentoring and training to individuals running existing businesses and or those seeking expansion…
All income nontaxable for Senior Citizens…
(10) Reformed Incarceration Fair Pay Act; All local, county, state, and federal inmates will work on public roads, parks, and government installations performing various duties to be outlined, under strict supervision and authority! No longer will the Cities, Counties and States be permitted to pick up the whole expense for in housing of inmates in penal institutions. No longer will Corporations, and Individuals be allowed to offer mediocre pay to inmates for labor performed…
(11) Regulate pricing for Natural Gas, Electric, Water and Sewage Companies. Making utilities more affordable by stopping consumers from being exploited by exuberant statement charging kilowatt usage by hard to read bills….
National Standardization of statements for all Companies so that the Consumer understands when reading bills how and what they are being charged for…
(12) Further Implementation of the current Health Care Plan, enacted by President Obama, to include Dental, Eye and Ear care and Burial Insurance…
(13) Decrease Federal Spending by cutting Excess and eliminating Pork Barrel spending by Congressmen/women…
Set Term Limits for Congressmen/woman…
Require all Congressmen and Women to hold public meetings yearly detailing what they have done and allow for input from citizens in their districts…
(14) Bring our troops home, stop allowing them to be used as Security for Civilians working abroad, All Security will be the responsibility of the companies they are employees of…
(15) Institute the Death Penalty to all who commit violent acts of crime resulting in the death of individuals…
Ban assault weapons and other weapons of mass destruction keeping them out the hands of individuals…
Limit the manufacture of assault rifles and magazines by manufacturers and the issuance to private individuals….
Imprisonment, penalties and fines to any in violation…
(16) Stop Oil and Gas Companies from drilling in all National Parks and Forest…
Strict enforcement of current regulations for maintenance and care for all leaking valves on the Ocean floor…
Stop Oil Exploration in the Artic and increased surveillance by the Military stopping all in violation…
Imprisonment, penalties and fines to any in violation…
(17) Stop the distribution of Opium, Heroine and Fentanyl from being distributed throughout America.
Institute the Death Penalty to all in violation…
Regulate Dispensaries distributing medical marijuana…
Imprisonment, penalties and fines to all users having the substance found on them…
(18) Stop all Genetically Modified Foods from being processed, distributed and sold through all food chains…
Strict Enforcement and Monitoring of current laws of the Food and Drug Administration, and other Government Entities for Compliance…
Imprisonment, penalties and fines to any in violation…
(19) Stop chemtrails from polluting and contaminating the air, water and soil…
(20) Bring G_D back into the school curriculum by adding biblical principles….
(21) Provide high incentives for men and women entering the military…
Paid college tuition for skills and training in colleges while on assignment…
(22) Open door policy for citizens having requests that would be better Government in rendering services to America!